We help insurance companies maximize client touch points by addressing client emotion. We provide clients with emotional support through phone-based counselling. We train your adjusters to understand the psychological principles at play during a client engagement, and provide an appropriate empathetic response.
We are a 360ยบ emotionally intelligent Empathetic Claims service that reaches ALL claimants.
Stewart has had a stressful event.
He calls his insurance company and is greeted by an emotionally intelligent adjuster who has been trained on empathetic response. The adjuster acknowledges his emotion and offers help through the CAP. This disarms Stewart and positions ABC Insurance as a 'helper'.
Stewart's accepts the offer, and connects with a CAP counsellor who helps to compartmentalize Stewart's experience, and provides a road map to further recovery.
Stewart has compartmentalized his experience of the stressful event from his experience with ABC Insurance.
Stewart has become a raving fan of ABC Insurance. He is now armed with a narrative of how ABC Insurance was there for him when he needed help. He feels an emotional connection to ABC Insurance.
Short-term, Fast & Effective Emotional Support
Our Client Assistance Program is a proprietary 2-session model conducted by professional counsellors, who work to get clients back to function as quickly as possible.
The 2-session model ensures that we focus our efforts on the
current issue at hand without delving into unrelated and/or
pre-existing issues.
We train your adjusters to express an appropriate empathetic response.
CAP Counsellors contact your clients and provide up to two phone-based sessions.
Adjusters refer clients to the CAP via an online live scheduler.
All clients receive instructions and access to our self-guided online resource center.